There is no better way to stay hydrated and healthier than juicing up. However, indulging in fruit juices remains a controversy. While some people argue that it is a healthy choice, some others say it is full of sugar. Let's find out the truth.Â
The monsoon months bring out mixed feelings in most of us. On the one hand, it conjures images of piping hot chai, spicy snacks, and a cool break from the summer heat. On the other hand, it also means slushy, flooded streets, cancelled plans, and, for many people, a persistent cough and cold.
To all the ladies out there, whether you are flexing your well-defined biceps, flowing through your Vinyasa, or running a marathon, there’s one piece of gear that’s crucial to your comfort – the right sports bra.
The pandemic and the lockdown have resulted in most of us becoming more conscious of our health and how we approach fitness. People are looking for ways to keep themselves away from binge eating and to stay motivated in sticking to a workout routine.
Whether you’ve got irregular periods or PCOS, managing them often feels like a tiresome task. But, did you know that you can ease your worries and regulate reproductive hormones with seeds? Yes, you read that right!
Whether they’re an entrepreneur, a boss, a super mom, or something in between, the modern woman is embracing new roles, setting bigger goals, and meeting the world head-on. But hustle culture has its downsides — more work, less sleep, and late nights with instant meals among other things.
Are you overwhelmed by all the health tips you see on the internet? Confused thanks to different kinds of advice from friends and family? Don’t worry - here are some tried-and-tested tips from our trainers to get your fitness journey on track.
Over the last few months, more and more people have been engaging in DIY art projects, trying their hand at sketching, giving their clay pots a makeover or even taking portraits of their (two and four-legged) family members.
Nostalgia is the feeling of a perfect rainy day. While nature breathes a sigh of relief after the sweltering heatwave, rain paints the world in a myriad of colours, making even the most mundane looks fresh and different.
The myth of Milo, a popular wrestler from the 6th Century B.C., is a great story that illustrates the importance of physical endurance, perseverance and a simple habit that led him to many victories in key athletic events of the ancient Greece.
How much time have you spent trying different fad diets, figuring out your ideal carb-to-protein ratio, and 'googling' the calories you’ve consumed with every snack? We’re guessing a lot.
In Hindu mythology, the sun god, Surya, is worshipped as a symbol of health and immortal life. The Rig Veda declares that “Surya is the Soul, both of the moving and unmoving beings”.